Is Ebola Common Core:2+2=5.If Ebola is 21 day incubation period and we can test for fever and if they don't have one then are they okay.Is this correct answer.Common Core says if they can show how they drew these conclusions then they are correct even if the answer is wrong.Have you noticed how the politicians and News Media use illogical reasoning on these issues.I have stated before that when the answer can't be answered logically then their reply is illogical and irrational.If you notice if they talk about finances,or other subjects even if they are lying it sounds credible to fools.An airline representative said they wanted their employees to be protected from Ebola,but did not want the borders closed.You see profit motive and employment supersedes human life.The USA borders are open and illegals are coming from all over the world to cross the borders from Mexico and Canada into USA.Asians are one of the dominant illegal groups now entering the USA.If the USA borders are open is that a cause for concern about Ebola,etc.Common Core would say if you can show logical reason for the formulation of your reason then even if your answer is wrong your right.-----
Politically correct is George Orwell terminology as a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.Free Speech says all have right to their opinion.Christianity has equal right with all other religions.I do not have to agree with it.Christmas is the celebration of Christ birth.America is a Christian nation.The denial of the right to have Christmas and the symbols of Christ and the classical songs of Christmas in Public places is illogical.All religions have right to express themselves.In public schools to say we have no time for pray,or to pledge the flag is a lie.Those who do not want to participate can remain silent out of respect for religions,and this includes atheism.Abnormal is not normal.Sexual preference that is a minority preference has no right to infringe on the majority.When society is threaten by perversion which destroys the moral and ethical and religious values of the nation which is prevalent then measures must be taken to prevent it by peer pressure,etc.Being call racist and anti and Terrorist for telling the truth is a Terrorist method by the Terrorist.--------------------------
When education is presented which is illogical it must be prevented by committees and coalitions that united go to Washington DC to stop it.Common Core is a conspiracy to dumb down the sheep of the world.Bill Gates,etc, and others support Common Core,but do not send their children to Common Core schools because they think they are superior.They want a NWO of the robots and the superiors which they think they are maybe--------------
Just because one is a scientist,or engineer, or genius does not mean they know everything as all humans have their weak points.Many of these specialist are morons in general thinking out of their specialize area.Arthur Schopenhauer has pointed out no one is perfect,and all are defective in more ways than one.Special interest wants what serves their ends.Classes want to protect their status.There is always conflict of interest and that is why checks and balances must be enforced.The Public Private Partnership is not balanced as the North American Unions is unconstitutional.Spain controls part of HY 90 USA probably connected with the North American Union Toll Road.???????????? {{{Louis Farrakhan -The U.S Dollar Is Worthless.Its Time To wake Up.---You Tube}}} Mentions HY 90 and Spain control of part of it.-----------------------
The latest talked about Lone Wolves and their danger is a two edged sword which is the salvation for the American people.You have to have weapons to protect yourself as the military and police cannot protect you.When one is attack, and other are threaten you must have protection to survive.No matter how many are killed by psychotics and mind control puppets.The cost of liberty is risk as there are always risk.That is the price,or you can have the Police State, and the Yoke.Is Hitler taking over America.The Jews should be concerned as they had problems in Germany and some of them went to Concentration Camps.The people of Japan were locked up in USA in world war two in Internment Camps.How can the U.S. Government ask an American Citizen to give up the Second Amendment---The Right To Bear Arms.Why are they trying to violate U.S.Constitutional Rights.-----------------------------------------------------------
Robert David Steele was CIA and was born into oil family.Go to You Tube and type in Robert David Steele and Then look at list of his topics.Select:Lib Tech NYC:The Open Source Everything Manifesto---49:09 minutes---You Tube---He gives information on many topics and in particular---9/11,JFK Hit,Who collected insurance from 9/11 and other pertinent information---{{{Ex CIA Agent Explains How to Delete The Elite---You Tube--- Ex-CIA---You Tube}}}
Common Core References:{{{Kids React To 2+2=5 Common Core}}}---{{{Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core In Four Minutes}}}Both You Tube.Also many others expose Common Core on You Tube.Charolette Iserbyt exposed Common Core and who the Conspirators are.Charolette Iserbyt---The Dumb Down Of American Education---You Tube-
{{{Ben Fulford,Oct 20,2014:Did The Dragon Family Take Control Of The Federal Reserve Board}}}---You Tube---Maybe Fulford is not telling the truth and works for the CIA.There are allot of people working for the CIA that don't know it,and that is why they are the CIA.{{{World Bank Whistle Blower Karen Hudes On The Criminal Banking And How To Stop Them---You Tube}}}The interview was not smooth and it seemed to me a little erratic,but made some points.International Banking Cabal owns 50% of assets of 43,000 Trading Companies and 50,or 60 % of their profit.Please see Karen Hudes topic for correct figures.She gives reference for her statement regarding them.
Kids React To 2+2=5(Common Core)18:22 Min---You Tube has Bill Gates in it.NWO order wants the superiors and the slaves and then the robots will replace the slaves.Cattle deserve to be treated as such.The intellectuals know it all even if they are perverted and psychotic.Of course this is not true!!!To be creative you need to be mentally ill.This is another stupid saying.I am not because you can't prove it???Here's looking at you Morons.Takes one to know one.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Immigration is flooding the western world because of wars all over the world.The nations cannot regulate the inflow because of the excess immigrants.This policy is totally illogical and will destroy the nations and their borders which is the intent evidently.This is NWO to open all borders world wide.EU Commission needs more money to survive and England is crying about it.The hogs ate to fast and now they have digestion problems.Russia and the west are in state of cold war.Petro dollar on way out as dominant Reserve Currency of the world.-------------------------------------
Any nation who invades other nations for their resources and strategic location and kills people with drones including Wedding Parties and babies can expect retaliation by all means.Any nation that pushes democracy in foreign nations,but rules with a Police State mentality and no rule of law,or regulations which are stable can expect to be attack in mass and by Lone Wolves.When a nation allows illegal immigrant to enter the nation they are asking for TERRORIST to Attack with Ebola,etc.When a nation tries to push its values on another nation and destroy it culture for political control and hypocrisy then it will eventually fail.When a nation destroys its own economy and security for another then it is a TERRORIST.When unemployment is over 20% and industry and jobs have been out sourced,and those jobs won't return because of immigration and open borders and college grads can't pay their loans and take jobs from the uneducated then it is a state of chaos.When war for profit and not security is promoted for status quo to remain in power when they are not fit to then an extreme reaction can be expected.The FED is illegal.The borders are open---Ebola is out of control----War without end...War Is A Racket---Gen.Butler---You Tube...-----------------------------------------------------------
Is The U.S. Government The Master Criminal Of Our Time-Oct 20,2014---Paul Craig was in the Reagan Administration as high official.Paul Craig Roberts---You Tube.There is so much exposure that is fact and recorded it can't be covered up.Antony Sutton---Hitler and the Communist and the international Bankers---You Tube.Authenticated facts.War Is A Racket for profit and control---The Report From Iron Mountain---You Tube.Ron Paul Cheated Out Of Being president---You Tube.Fed illegal Aaron Russo---Freedom To Fascism Complete---You Tube--------------------------------------
Robert D. Steele Ex CIA says America cannot be overtaken by military and police forces as too many Americans are armed and if Civil War began it would go on for maybe 30 years,or more.There are to many trained military people in America who know about the new weapons and technology,strategies and Tactics for overthrow of USA by any TERRORIST.The U.S. Marines High Command knows who the Terrorist are as the lower ranks do as it is obvious to all that are not stupid,or in denial,or committing TREASON--------
Walter Haas leodragon97 74 Years---*^3497---NASA LEAKED DOCUMENT---You Tube---Smart Meter God Bless America